Virgin Galactic


  • Virgin Galactic rocket-powered Unity test flight Spaceport America

    Virgin Galactic may attempt a rocket-powered test flight next week

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Virgin Galactic plans to do the first rocket-powered test flight of its VSS Unity spacecraft from its freshly christened Spaceport America facility in New Mexico as early as next week.

  • Virgin Galactic's SpaceshipTwo Unity flying near Spaceport America

    Virgin Galactic delays next spaceflight due to tougher COVID-19 rules

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Virgin Galactic has delayed its next spaceflight indefinitely after stricter New Mexico rules on COVID-19 cut short its plans.

  • SpaceShipTwo and VMS Eve in the hangar of The Gateway to Space

    Virgin Galactic's first spaceflight from Spaceport America will launch soon

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    Back then, the aerospace company only said that its flight planning window will open on October 22nd, but it didn’t give a more concrete launch date. Now, Virgin Galactic has revealed that it has decided on a launch window for the SpaceShipTwo test flight, which you can expect to take place between November 19th and 23rd. Apparently, SpaceShipTwo will carry revenue-generating payloads as part of the NASA flight opportunities program for this particular mission.

  • appl

    After Math: Apple's unveils its inaugural 5G phone amid a week of firsts

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    Lucid announced last week that its first entry into the EV market, dubbed the Air, would be competitively priced against the main rival, the Tesla Model S. That is, right up until Tesla CEO and overwrought man-child, Elon Musk, unilaterally dropped the price of the Model S to, and I shit you not, $69,420. October 22nd is shaping up to be a big day for Virgin Galactic. Should the launch go according to plan, this will mark the first time that the vehicle has operated out of the firm’s new headquarters at Spaceport America.

  • Virgin Galactic

    Virgin Galactic prepares for its first spaceflight from Spaceport America

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    Virgin Galactic has started preparing for its first suborbital spaceflight that’s launching from Spaceport America in New Mexico. Now, Virgin Galactic has confirmed that it is indeed opening its flight planning window for the first of two crewed tests on October 22nd, which means the mission could launch that day or anytime after that. Apparently, the aircraft, which carries the SpaceShipTwo to the skies before dropping it mid-air, has very similar structure and controls to the spacecraft itself.

  • Virgin Galactic SpaceShip Two enters space for the first time

    Virgin Galactic's last round of SpaceShipTwo tests begins October 22nd

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Virgin Galactic has filed to start the first in a 'final' round of SpaceShipTwo tests on October 22nd, after which it will fly Richard Branson to space.

  • Virgin Galactic Mach 3 aircraft

    Virgin Galactic reveals its Mach 3 aircraft design

    Christine Fisher
    Christine Fisher

    Virgin Galactic unveils its Mach 3 high-speed aircraft design and plans to work with Rolls-Royce.

  • Virgin Galactic Spaceship Cabin Interior

    Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo cabin surrounds you with windows

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    “It's a big moment because although the event may be virtual its significance is starting to open space to everyone is very real,” Virgin founder, Sir Richard Branson, noted during today’s reveal. “Somebody once said to me the Virgin Galactic spaceship was the first one to be built from the inside out,” he continued. Virgin Galactic teamed up with UK design firm, Seymourpowell to develop the vehicle’s interior to develop “an elegant but progressive, experience-focused concept,” according to a Tuesday press release.

  • Virgin Galactic's current CEO, George Whitesides and new CEO, Michael Colglazier

    Virgin Galactic appoints former Disney exec as its new CEO

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    Virgin Galactic has replaced its CEO with someone who has the experience to present its suborbital flights to the world as very expensive thrill rides. The aerospace company has appointed Michael Colglazier, a former Disney executive, as its new CEO. Colglazier (on the right in the picture above) was with the House of Mouse for over three decades, and his most recent role was President and Managing Director of Disney Parks International.

  • Virgin Galactic announces its interior cabin reveal.

    Virgin Galactic will livestream its SpaceShipTwo cabin reveal on July 28th

    Christine Fisher
    Christine Fisher

    Virgin Galactic will reveal the SpaceShipTwo's cabin interior on July 28th.

  • SpaceShipTwo Unity Released From VMS Eve for Second Glide Flight in New Mexico

    Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo completes a second 'glide test'

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Virgin Galactic’s repeatedly-delayed plans for commercial spaceflight are drawing closer, after the company completed another glide test at its Spaceport America HQ in New Mexico.

  • Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo glides toward Spaceport America

    Virgin Galactic's spaceship flies from its new home base for the first time

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo has finally completed a flight from its home spaceport for the first time, edging closer to commercial journeys to space.

  • Virgin Galactic

    Virgin Galactic will let people hop to the front of the line for tickets

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Are you determined to hop aboard one of Virgin Galactic's tourist spaceflights before any of your friends? The company is happy to accommodate you -- if you're willing to pay. Alongside its latest earnings (more on those in a moment), Virgin has announced a One Small Step program that will bump qualified customers to the front of the line for "firm" reservations. Beginning on February 26th at 3AM Eastern, serious travellers can register online with a $1,000 refundable deposit to get into orbit sooner when tickets are once again available.

  • Under Armour

    Virgin Galactic passengers will wear these Under Armour spacesuits

    Christine Fisher
    Christine Fisher

    Yesterday, NASA revealed the spacesuits its astronauts will wear on future Moon and Mars missions. They're impressive but clunky and a little heavy-handed on the patriotic theme. As you might expect, commercial space travel will be a bit more stylish. Today, Under Armour unveiled the space gear -- a base layer, spacesuit and boots -- that it's designed for passengers on Virgin Galactic flights.

  • Virgin Galactic

    Virgin Galactic's Spaceport America is no longer an empty hangar

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    Virgin Galactic has officially opened Spaceport America's "Gateway to Space" building few months after it started moving its staff and spacecraft to the New Mexico facility. In addition, the VMS Eve has arrived at the spaceport this week, which Chief Pilot Dave Mackay says brings "Virgin Galactic closer to starting commercial service." VMS Eve is the aerospace company's launch vehicle, in charge of carrying its spacecraft to the skies before dropping it mid-air.

  • Virgin Orbit will launch small satellites for the UK military

    Georgina Torbet
    Georgina Torbet

    Virgin Orbit, the small satellite launch arm of Virgin Galactic, will provide launch capabilities for the UK's Royal Air Force (RAF). Virgin has been angling for government contracts recently and has managed to land a project called Artemis "to demonstrate the utility of small satellites and responsive launch to provide information to the RAF."

  • Virgin Galactic

    Virgin Galactic is moving its spaceship and crew to Spaceport America

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    Virgin Galactic's deal with New Mexico entails moving its commercial spaceflight activities to Spaceport America when its vehicles and operations are ready for primetime. Looks like the company is nearly there, because, Sir Richard Branson and company have decided that it's time. Virgin Galactic has announced that its "program had advanced sufficiently to move the spaceline staff and space vehicles from Mojave, California to [its] commercial operations headquarters at Spaceport America, New Mexico."

  • Virgin Orbit

    Virgin Orbit will launch satellites from Guam

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    Virgin Orbit has added one more location to its growing list of launch sites: Guam. The US island territory's close proximity to the equator and its remote location make it an ideal addition to the program. It can serve as a launch site for missions leaving from any direction and for any orbital inclination. Plus, Virgin Orbit can deploy flights from the island if it needs to deliver payloads as heavy as a thousand pounds to equatorial orbit.

  • UK moves another step closer towards opening the first European spaceport

    Matt Brian
    Matt Brian

    While the US might be leading the race to open the first commercial spaceports, the UK is working hard to close the gap. More than six months after the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) shortlisted eight potential spaceport locations, the government today backed plans to make one a reality.

  • Virgin Galactic reveals where it'll build its satellite-launching rockets

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    Richard Branson's not just into space tourism -- there's also LauncherOne, which delivers satellites into orbit after being dropped from a "mothership" aircraft. Virgin Galactic says that the rocket will be built a mere 30 minutes from Los Angeles at a 150,000 square foot ex-Boeing facility near Long Beach Airport (below). The space outfit will design and mass produce the LauncherOne rocket there and use the airport as a mission base. Like the SpaceShip Two manned craft, the LauncherOne rocket and payload doesn't need a launchpad -- it's released from an altitude of 50,000 feet by the WhiteKnight Two aircraft. That enables it to heft satellites up to 500 pounds into low-earth orbit for as little as $10 million, a subtantitally cheaper price than (already inexpensive) competitors like SpaceX.