

  • Rost-9D via Getty Images

    Hitting the Books: These brain cells could hold clues to the CTBI crisis

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    Welcome to Hitting the Books. With less than one in five Americans reading just for fun these days, we've done the hard work for you by scouring the internet for the most interesting, thought provoking books on science and technology we can find and delivering an easily digestible nugget of their stories.

  • stevanovicigor via Getty Images

    Hitting the Books: A brief history of industrial espionage and corn

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    Welcome to Hitting the Books. With less than one in five Americans reading just for fun these days, we've done the hard work for you by scouring the internet for the most interesting, thought provoking books on science and technology we can find and delivering an easily digestible nugget of their stories.

  • Laspi via Getty Images

    Hitting the Books: The Y2K bug could come back sooner than you think

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    Welcome to Hitting the Books. With less than one in five Americans reading just for fun these days, we've done the hard work for you by scouring the internet for the most interesting, thought provoking books on science and technology we can find and delivering an easily digestible nugget of their stories.

  • BeeBright via Getty Images

    Hitting the Books: Hackers can convince your IoT devices to betray you

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    Welcome to Hitting the Books. With less than one in five Americans reading just for fun these days, we've done the hard work for you by scouring the internet for the most interesting, thought provoking books on science and technology we can find and delivering an easily digestible nugget of their stories.

  • PM Images via Getty Images

    Hitting the Books: How to get a date online

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    Welcome to Hitting the Books. With less than one in five Americans reading just for fun these days, we've done the hard work for you by scouring the internet for the most interesting, thought provoking books on science and technology we can find and delivering an easily digestible nugget of their stories.

  • TerryHealy via Getty Images

    Hitting the Books: How America's Space Race sought to renew our 'New South'

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    This week in Axget's Hitting the Books series: How America's Space Race sought to renew our 'New South.'

  • DG via Getty Images

    To all the books we hit this year

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    Hitting the Books has been running for nearly two years now, so first off, thank you all so very much for continuing to read along. 2019 has seen some solid science and technology nonfiction titles. Unsurprisingly, one of the most popular excerpts this year ran on 4/20 yet, oddly, nobody seemed interested in slinging cats through interstellar space. Just look how cute he is, his spacesuit has footpads and everything.

  • Prasit photo via Getty Images

    Hitting the Books: What it'd be like to live in a city owned by Twitter

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    Welcome to Hitting the Books. With less than one in five Americans reading just for fun these days, we've done the hard work for you by scouring the internet for the most interesting, thought provoking books on science and technology we can find and delivering an easily digestible nugget of their stories.

  • Spencer Platt via Getty Images

    Hitting the Books: How police tech reinforces America's racial segregation

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    Welcome to Hitting the Books. With less than one in five Americans reading just for fun these days, we've done the hard work for you by scouring the internet for the most interesting, thought provoking books on science and technology we can find and delivering an easily digestible nugget of their stories.

  • Will Lipman Photography for Axget (Background)

    The movies and books we'd give as gifts


    "Stick to tech," you might be thinking right now. Well, in a way, we are. No, we're not pop culture critics, and hardcover books aren't gadgets. But our gift guide wouldn't be complete without some DVD (OK, fine, Blu-ray) recs, and what is our taste if not nerdy? Because we're Axget, and covering tech is what we do, we curated a list of books and movies that fall squarely in the sci-fi, gaming, nerd-culture and dystopia buckets. Or, in the case of nonfiction books like Super Pumped, we included media that chronicles and interrogates the tech industry -- for better and worse. Looking for something not too expensive with a bit more warmth than, we don't know, a battery pack? A book or movie relevant to your geeky friend's interests could be just the thing.

  • Hitting the Books: Did the advent of the first desktop computer lead to murder?

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    Welcome to Hitting the Books. With less than one in five Americans reading just for fun these days, we've done the hard work for you by scouring the internet for the most interesting, thought provoking books on science and technology we can find and delivering an easily digestible nugget of their stories.

  • Ulrike Schmitt-Hartmann via Getty Images

    Hitting the Books: Boomers not understanding tech is the circle of life

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    Welcome to Hitting the Books. With less than one in five Americans reading just for fun these days, we've done the hard work for you by scouring the internet for the most interesting, thought provoking books on science and technology we can find and delivering an easily digestible nugget of their stories.

  • Sonsedska via Getty Images

    Hitting the Books: How to sling a cat through interstellar space

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    Welcome to Hitting the Books. With less than one in five Americans reading just for fun these days, we've done the hard work for you by scouring the internet for the most interesting, thought provoking books on science and technology we can find and delivering an easily digestible nugget of their stories.

  • Stocktrek Images via Getty Images

    Hitting the Books: Nero, fiddling from orbit as Earth burns

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    Welcome to Hitting the Books. With less than one in five Americans reading just for fun these days, we've done the hard work for you by scouring the internet for the most interesting, thought provoking books on science and technology we can find and delivering an easily digestible nugget of their stories.

  • John Jeffery (JJ) via Getty Images

    Hitting the Books: Teaching AI to sing slime mold serenades

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    Welcome to Hitting the Books. With less than one in five Americans reading just for fun these days, we've done the hard work for you by scouring the internet for the most interesting, thought provoking books on science and technology we can find and delivering an easily digestible nugget of their stories.

  • NASA

    Hitting the Books: Searching for ancient cities from space

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    Welcome to Hitting the Books. With less than one in five Americans reading just for fun these days, we've done the hard work for you by scouring the internet for the most interesting, thought provoking books on science and technology we can find and delivering an easily digestible nugget of their stories.

  • Anson_iStock via Getty Images

    Hitting the Books: 'Dirty bomb' fears spawned America's nuclear spy force

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    Welcome to Hitting the Books. With less than one in five Americans reading just for fun these days, we've done the hard work for you by scouring the internet for the most interesting, thought provoking books on science and technology we can find and delivering an easily digestible nugget of their stories.

  • AlexLMX via Getty Images

    Hitting the Books: Robots came for our jobs, then they came for our coffee

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    Welcome to Hitting the Books. With less than one in five Americans reading just for fun these days, we've done the hard work for you by scouring the internet for the most interesting, thought provoking books on science and technology we can find and delivering an easily digestible nugget of their stories.

  • IGphotography via Getty Images

    Hitting the Books: We can engineer the Earth to fight climate change

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    Welcome to Hitting the Books. With less than one in five Americans reading just for fun these days, we've done the hard work for you by scouring the internet for the most interesting, thought provoking books on science and technology we can find and delivering an easily digestible nugget of their stories.

  • Jolygon via Getty Images

    Hitting the Books: How big tech might monopolize AI

    Andrew Tarantola
    Andrew Tarantola

    Welcome to Hitting the Books. With less than one in five Americans reading just for fun these days, we've done the hard work for you by scouring the internet for the most interesting, thought provoking books on science and technology we can find and delivering an easily digestible nugget of their stories.