

  • BlackBerry Gemini 8325 in the wild

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Something tells us this isn't the most anticipated yet-to-be-announced BlackBerry at the moment, but RIM's all about choice -- and, yeah, it remains to be seen who's going to choose the Gemini 8325 when it ends up shipping. The supposed Curve 8300 successor (we thought that was the 8900, silly us) will mope along with the same EDGE data that powers the old model, suggesting that it'll hang out on the low end of the BlackBerry stable -- especially by the time it's actually released, whenever that happens to be. It's rumored to run BlackBerry OS 5.0 and feature a QVGA display, 802.11b / g / n (yes, n), and a meager 2 megapixel camera, so needless to say, the Bolds of the world can rest easy for a while longer that their dominance in the QWERTY GSM BlackBerry game isn't in question just yet.

  • Rumored BlackBerry 9300 "Gemini" appears, Bold gulps

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    After BlackBerry types lay eyes on the 8900, the same question immediately gets asked time and time again: "Why would I buy a Bold over this?" Indeed, it's hard to argue that the 8900 isn't the better looking handset, but for now, the Bold gets to lord its fancy-schmancy 3G radio over the 8900's technologically inferior head. That might just be where the rumored 9300 "Gemini" comes into play, though, which -- according to Boy Genius Report -- will feature a larger, higher-res screen than the 8900's already amazing display, a beefy processor, a slightly more "rounded" keyboard, and most importantly, quadband EDGE plus triband HSDPA. There isn't any solid information on a release window for this one yet (we'd doubt that even RIM has an answer for that one at this point), so if you had a Bold in mind, don't feel bad about pulling the trigger -- yet.

  • New product will let you MMO on the go

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Multiplayer online virtual worlds consume a lot of your time. It's important to put them down now and then and get out of the house to live a real life, but that's about to get more difficult; we can expect massively multiplayer online worlds to become available on our cell phones any day now. There have been a couple small scale examples already, but a company called GEMINI Mobile Technologies thinks it's produced a breakthrough product.The product is called "the eXplo platform." It's a framework for 3D online environments running on mobile phones. Its features include customizable personal spaces (essentially player housing), messaging, photo sharing, shopping, and games. A few days ago the CNET News Blog took a look at S! Town, a product based on the platform. Initially released in Japan, it's headed to North America and Europe and will feature Facebook and YouTube integration for American consumers.Look for S! Town in North America and Europe in 2008.

  • Gemini launches iTRAX

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    Move over iDJ (and iDJ2), there's a new iPod DJ mixer in town, and it's only a year late to the game (albeit significantly cheaper). The Gemini iTRAX is finally hitting shelves, and brings the noise to the wheels of, um, polycarbonate with two phono ins, USB pass-through, and iPod (with video) support. They're asking $230 for the thing, but it's already going online for well under $150 (even though distributors don't yet have any to sell), so let's just say the price is up in the air on this one.