

  • Microsoft's next Office update is codenamed 'Gemini,' could ship this fall

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    Blue is to Windows as Gemini is to Office. Any questions? Well, that's unfortunate -- we don't have a ton of answers. What we do know, courtesy of some top-notch ZDNet reporting, is that Microsoft's next Office release is codenamed "Gemini," and that it could be making its way to your desktop by the end of this year. The site quotes a potential fall ship date, at least for the first release, which is set to include new versions of Excel, OneNote, PowerPoint and Word. Rumor has it that the next version will be somewhat platform-independent, and will rely heavily on the Office 365 subscription concept. Beyond that, there isn't really much to share, but you're welcome to hit up our source link for a few more (minor) details.

  • Pioneering astronaut Neil Armstrong dies at 82

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    It's a story that we hoped we'd never have to report. Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on Earth's Moon, has died at the age of 82 after complications from heart surgery three weeks earlier. His greatest accomplishment very nearly speaks for itself -- along with help from fellow NASA astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, he changed the landscape of space exploration through a set of footprints. It's still important to stress his accomplishments both before and after the historic Apollo 11 flight, though. He was instrumental to the Gemini and X-series test programs in the years before Apollo, and followed his moonshot with roles in teaching aerospace engineering as well as investigating the Apollo 13 and Space Shuttle Challenger incidents. What more can we say? Although he only spent a very small portion of his life beyond Earth's atmosphere, he's still widely considered the greatest space hero in the US, if not the world, and inspired a whole generation of astronauts. We'll miss him. [Image credit: NASA Apollo Archive]

  • Skytex announces Gemini and Protos: ICS tablets that sound like X-Men

    James Trew
    James Trew

    Last time we saw Skytex, it was serving up a warm slice of Windows 7 on its tablets. Now, it's back with a pair of Androids, one under each arm. The Skypad Protos ($279) is 9.7 inches of Ice Cream Sandwich, while the Skypad Gemini ($179) measures in at just 7. Both slates run on 1.2GHz Cortex A8 silicon, shacked-up with a Mali 400 GPU. Other internals include 8GB storage, and 1GB or RAM, HDMI and a microSD card slot for expansion (up to 32GB). The larger Protos has an IPS screen, and a pair of cameras (5- and 2-megapixels) while the smaller Gemini just has the one (2-megapixel). It's not all about what's inside those box these days, as both also come with 5GB of cloud storage, showing these slates know what's on trend right now. With competition getting intense at the cheaper end of the scale, though, is there enough to get your credit card out when they start shipping this month?

  • Gemini drops two new FirstMix USB DJ controllers, helps you get your foot in the club

    James Trew
    James Trew

    Gemini unveiled the original FirstMix last year and now it's just introduced two more models for the beginner DJ. The FirstMix I/O looks little more than a revision of the original, with some minor aesthetic tweaks, although we've not yet been given full specs for a proper comparison. The FirstMix Pro, however, definitely brings a little more to the DJ booth. We spy what appears to be three hot-cue buttons on each deck, expandable to six via a shift function, as well what looks like a three channel EQ. Loop-in and out buttons also make an appearance, along with -- most significantly -- a 3.5mm headphone jack, which suggests a built-in sound interface for pre-cueing. Gemini wants $129.95 for the FirstMix I/O and $199.95 for the FirstMix Pro and both come bundled with MixVibes LE. Fans of the original can now pick it up for a reduced $79.99. Check the PR after the break for the run-down.

  • Star Supremacy needs space-men to help Santa find his space-sleigh!

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Fun fact about Santa: Not only does he have to visit all of the houses across the world in the span of a single night, but apparently he's on galaxy duty as well. Jolly St. Nick will be making the rounds in Star Supremacy during the game's Xmas event, during which he'll be making appearances on the neutral planets twice a day. He's not there for pleasantries, however; Santa needs players to help him find his sleigh, and he's prepared to dish out Christmas stocking bounties as rewards. Barbily Games is also preparing to roll out its Gemini update, which will bring back three PvP systems for players to conquer. The update will also include a helping hand to lowbies' energy regeneration, new equipment, improved construction, and the ability to retreat. You can get a good look at the update in our new Star Supremacy gallery below! %Gallery-142298%

  • Gemini-Scout robot can scope out mining accidents, may save lives (video)

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    We've seen robots capable of entering hazardous nuclear plants and dangerous buildings, but engineers at Sandia Labs have now unveiled a new rescue bot that's explicitly designed to enter and investigate collapsed mines, as well. Measuring just two feet tall and less than four feet in length, the Gemini-Scout Mine Rescue Robot packs a set of gas sensors, a thermal camera and a two-way radio, allowing it to detect dangerous underground materials and relay critical information to above-ground rescue workers. Its can also navigate across rocky terrain, tight quarters, or flooded tunnels, and is sturdy enough to carry food and other supplies to trapped miners. Operators, meanwhile, can manipulate the Gemini-Scout using only an Xbox 360 controller, which was incorporated into the system on the strength of its intuitive design and UI. Sandia's engineers demoed their bot last week in DC and are hoping to begin licensing it to rescue agencies by the end of next year. Crawl past the break for a video of their creation, along with a full press release.

  • Gemini's FirstMix USB DJ controller now available for novice mixers

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    Seasoned DJs have plenty of ways to hone their electronica acumen, but for less experienced audiophiles, Gemini has just unleashed FirstMix -- a USB-based controller designed to help the everyman get in touch with his inner Pete Tong. The device's layout is simple enough, with two scratch wheels, rotaries and a cross fader. All you have to do is connect the panel to your laptop, select the tunes you'd like to mash up from your iTunes library and use FirstMix's touch-sensitive jog control to scratch the night away. To help you get started, Gemini will ship its new controller with MixVibes' Cross LE DJ software, but it's compatible with Virtual DJ and other mixing programs, as well. If you're interested in taking FirstMix for a spin, you can find one at retailers like Musician's Friend, for about $100. Otherwise, you could just head past the break for a demo video, along with a full press release.

  • ICD's Tegra 2-toting Gemini tested, briefly enjoyed

    Sean Hollister
    Sean Hollister

    It's only been a single day since the Tegra 2-powered ICD Gemini promised us a world in which tablet PCs could magically make calls, sport webcams and play Flash content (yes, we're still a bit sore about that), but somehow one man has already managed to get his hands on a prototype of the wannabe iPad killer. The verdict? "Blisteringly fast," according to, albeit buggy and thoroughly unready for market. The website liberally praised the large, 11.2-inch screen for superb color and detail even as it found the resistive touch controls sluggish, and was blown away by how quickly the 1GHz Tegra 2 dealt with web browsing on Android OS. Sadly, it seems there wasn't time to get Hulu running on the device, and important features (including those webcams) weren't working on this early prototype. But don't worry, the publication says the feature-packed slate won't even hit the company's native UK until August, when ICD expects carrier deals to be signed. Now, Stuff, assuming you haven't returned that shiny tablet -- how about you shoot us some video?

  • ICD's Tegra 2-powered Gemini is the most feature-complete tablet we've seen yet

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Built around the 1GHz Tegra 2 SOC, the 11.2-inch ICD Gemini should provide comparable endurance to Apple's A4-sporting iPad, while besting it in the grunt stakes with its glorious ability to chew through 1080p video when required. If that wasn't enough, the rest of this thing's spec sheet reads like a wishlist. Headlined by a 3G connection that allows cellular voice calls (crazy, we know!), it also includes a user-replaceable 40Wh battery, an SD card reader, FM radio, GPS, 802.11n WiFi, Bluetooth, MicroUSB connectivity to PCs and USB peripherals, stereo speakers, and dual webcams -- a 2 megapixel front-facing unit and a 5 megapixel autofocusing snapper on the back. Multitouch displays will be available in both resistive and capacitive flavors, with the 1,366 x 768 resolution being filled by Google's snappy Android OS. Oh, and did we mention it will run Flash? Because it will. Full specs and a comparison to its direct competitors await after the break, though we've yet to find out when this JooJoo killer will be making its arrival or at what price. Update: We've come across a couple of real (i.e. not rendered) pictures of an earlier prototype for the Gemini, which looks generic as hell but should give you a good idea of the dimensions and scale of the device in question. Yours after the break.%Gallery-89815%

  • BlackBerry 8520 now up on T-Mobile's site, no purchases just yet

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    It may not be the 5th of the month just yet, but that's not stopping T-Mobile from going ahead and posting its product info page for the upcoming BlackBerry 8520 with a big, fat "Coming Soon" right next to it. Everything here is pretty much exactly as you'd expect it: EDGE data, WiFi, 2 megapixel camera, microSD expansion, and a rated 4.5 hours of talk time with 17 days of standby -- the only thing we're really missing then (besides 3G, of course) is a Buy button, which we're figuring will show up any day now.[Via Boy Genius Report]

  • Video: T-Mobile BlackBerry 8520 sold and unboxed early

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We all know there ain't no party like a Super Walmart party, 'cause the Super Walmart party don't stop. Aiding its cause in being the go-to place for night owls and bargain hunting insomniacs is the fact that it's apparently selling T-Mobile's newest BlackBerry ahead of the August 5th street date. Don't believe us? Jump on past the break for an unboxing video, and afterwards, feel free to call your nearest five Wally Worlds until you find one ready and willing to take your $48.88 (on contract).[Thanks, Alex]

  • BlackBerry Curve 8520 gets a hands-on, photo shoot

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    Hot on the heels of the word that RIM's BlackBerry Curve 8520 would be heading for Vodaphone in the UK, Pocket Lint's gotten a hold of one. The optical trackball-boasting, entry-level non-3G darling looks pretty brilliant in the photos, despite its stripped down form factor. Pocket Lint is also reporting that it'll be Vodaphone-bound in August, and it'll also be available through Orange for pre-paid deals and from Carphone Warehouse where it'll be offered in violet. Now that, we'll admit, we're kind of interested in. The 8520 (or Gemini, as it's also known) is T-Mobile-bound in the US of A, most likely on August 5th. There's another shot after the break -- hit the read link for the full set.

  • PlanetSide merges last two servers into one

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    In an e-mail that went out to the community earlier today, the PlanetSide team has announced that the game's final two servers will be combined into one to preserve the balance of fighting between their three armies. The merge will be conducted on August 25th, so this is ample warning of the things to come.Now, normally people would be complaining and unhappy over hearing the words "server" and "merge" being put into the same sentence, but that's not the sentiment over at the PlanetSide community. This move has put the veteran players into a state of happiness in their anticipation of the merge. Old outfits are preparing for a resurgence as former players are returning to the game once more.

  • BlackBerry 8520 coming to Vodafone UK, too

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    We didn't think Vodafone UK still had the stones to launch a non-3G smartphone in 2009, so color us a little shocked with this one. A scanned ad lends plenty of credibility to the rumor that the carrier will be joining T-Mobile USA in launching RIM's latest entry-level QWERTY handset, the 8520 -- and as the print states, these guys expect to be selling it at an "affordable price." CrackBerry claims we could see this one in August (which is when T-Mobile will be launching it, too), so if you're a Brit with a hankering for optical d-pads and BES, hang tight.

  • T-Mobile roadmap shows Dell netbooks, BlackBerry Gemini, and more

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Leaked carrier roadmap documents of unknown age and origin aren't necessarily the most accurate things in the world, but they are one very awesome, important thing: leaked. Pictured above is a fragment of one such spreadsheet that we've had the good fortune of receiving for T-Mobile USA -- obviously it's a little bit on the small slide, but no sweat, we'll walk you through what it's saying. Again, we wouldn't take these dates as the gospel truth, but we'd venture to say they're a good rough guide for what to expect out of these guys for the next few months. Move along for the full list![Thanks, anonymous tipster]

  • Sunday scoops: Android on AT&T, Palm Eos details, BlackBerry Magnum, and more

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Usually, Sundays don't get too crazy at Axget -- after all, even super-nerds need to rest. That wasn't the case yesterday, however, as we found ourselves knee-deep in a handful of seriously sweet smartphone leaks. Most of the news centered around AT&T's upcoming devices (you know, like its first Android phones, brand new BlackBerry offerings, and... the Palm Eos), but we also saw a few new angles on the Pre. Do yourself a favor and hit all the links below -- you won't be sorry.AT&T leaks HTC Lancaster is a QWERTY slider with Android for AT&T Palm Eos on track for AT&T release second half of 2009 HP triumphantly returns to AT&T with iPAQ K3 "Obsidian" Blackberry Magnum, Onyx, Pearl 3G, and Gemini to harmonize on AT&T HTC's Warhawk and Fortress are AT&T's Touch Diamond2 and Pro2 Nokia Grouper, Mako, Snapper, and Thresher rolling deep on AT&T Pre leaks Sprint's Pre business launch guide leaked in its entirety Plethora of Palm Pre interface videos emerge from leaked emulator

  • Blackberry Magnum, Onyx, Pearl 3G, and Gemini to harmonize on AT&T

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    BlackBerry lovers, AT&T beckons. Looks like the just-reviewed Onyx is heading to AT&T and, as rumored before, so is the Magnum. We've got no pics of the latter device, but it's being touted here as the "BlackBerry Bold portfolio evolution" and uses the same processor as the Bold. It's also got a HVGA touchscreen, QWERTY pad, quad-band GSM / GRS / EDGE, GPS, and WiFi. Want more? How about an apparently non-flip Pearl 3G with 3.6 Mbps of HSDPA goodness, Bluetooth, 3.5mm headset jack, trackball, SureType, and aGPS. Rounding out this quartet is the Gemini, with a 512MHz processor, 256MB flash memory, 128MB RAM, Bluetooth, QVGA LCD, 2 megapixel sans flash, trackball, QWERTY keyboard, 3.5mm headset jack, a microSD slot, possibly GPS, and sadly, no 3G. There's no release date in sight, but hey, knowing they're on the way is half the battle, right?

  • BlackBerry Aries spotted: a Gemini with CDMA in its heart

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    If you had your eye the BlackBerry Curve 8520 / Gemini, somehow above all the other number of RIM devices that have surfaced as of late, it looks like the stars have aligned (har har) for you. The gang at Crackberry have gotten a first peep at the Aries, which they say is essentially a CDMA-equipped Gemini that's likely to go by the eventual name Curve 8530. Not much else to note here, here's hoping we got some more concrete details -- and maybe a committed carrier or two -- in the not too distant. As for the naming conventions, we now anxiously await for alliterative darlings like a touchscreen Taurus, slide-out Sagittarius, and 18 megapixel Pisces.

  • BlackBerry 8520 in the mix for T-Mobile in the fourth quarter?

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    You know what makes a lot of sense? The EDGE-only BlackBerry 8520 hitting T-Mobile USA, that's what. The carrier's already shown a penchant for launching pretty 2.5G BlackBerrys in the past, and the 8520 would be a perfect way to continue that tradition (not to say we totally support continuing any 2.5G tradition, but it is what it is). Boy Genius Report is apparently hearing that there's a Q4 launch in store for the so-called Gemini on T-Mobile USA, which feels a bit late to us -- but maybe they're just looking to give the 8900 some breathing room. Trackball for the weekdays, optical mouse for the weekends, maybe?[Image via CrackBerry]

  • BlackBerry Curve 8520 "Gemini" image surfaces

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Well, what do we have here? The folks at Crackberry seem to have gotten their hands on a pic of the BlackBerry Curve 8520, a.k.a. "Gemini." From what we can see and from what they tell us, there's an optical trackball, dedicated media player buttons, and a "rubberized" body. Lack of 3G is a big bummer, and we're sure the non-classic trackball is gonna ruffle some feathers, but the hardware's enticing enough for us to give it a look over. Intrigued?