Chrono Trigger


  • Video Games Live performing during E3

    Jason Dobson
    Jason Dobson

    Offering a welcome distraction from the lights and sounds of E3 this June will be the ... lights and sounds of Video Games Live. Not to be confused with the annual event's newly re-embraced discord, the musical performance aims to strike a more harmonious chord with attendees when the show takes the stage at LA's Greek Theater on June 4.Serving as E3's closing ceremony, the concert will include selections from such games as Chrono Trigger, Mega Man and Final Fantasy, as well as possible attendance by some "very special guests." Tickets are available through pre-sale for between $25 and $70. And for those unwilling to make the trek to E3, or for avid listeners with an unhealthy appetite for video game tuneage, a second performance alongside July's Comic Con in San Diego is also planned, promising "different material and different special guests."

  • Chrono Trigger time travels to PAL regions in February

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    The speculation is confirmed: Chrono Trigger will be appearing in all PAL territories on February 6th. Square Enix sent another 15 screens along with the announcement this morning (just in case you've never seen Chrono Trigger before) which we have dutifully uploaded here. Hey, we've waited thirteen years already for this happy day, so what's another 57 days?Alas, rather than fill this Brit blogger with joy, this news has merely reminded me that my import copy is still in the mail. Gaaah. Europeans and Aussies: did you wait, or cave and order a U.S./Japanese version?%Gallery-27682%

  • DS Daily: On preventing piracy

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    Piracy, me hearties, has become a prominent issue for the DS, and one that is probably here to stay -- indeed, illegally downloading games to play on a flashcart has become almost socially acceptable in some places. And here's the biggest problem: it's not very hard at all to indulge in the practice. (Perfectly legal) flashcarts are available widely and cheaply, and ROM sites are a single Google search away.In other words, finding solutions is difficult, to say the least. Chrono Trigger demonstrated that built-in piracy checks don't exactly last long, though Level 5 might have hit upon a semi-solution with Ni no Kuni: The Another World: deny the pirates the awesome spellbook that is required to play. Put yourselves in the shoes of a videogame publisher on the verge of releasing a major title: what anti-piracy measures would you take to try and protect your game?%Gallery-27682%

  • DS Daily: New Square Enix vs. old Square Enix

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Square Enix has been all over the DS, with remakes, franchise continuations, spin-offs, and more. Perhaps even more amazingly, however, is that the DS isn't just getting the same ol' series, but new games, too. Some are totally new, while others are newish, yet have connection to some of the company's other properties. If you're a fan of their work, you've probably played a lot of DS in the past few years. But what's been more exciting to you: the newer things, like The World Ends With You and the recently-announced Blood of Bahamut, or the oldest of the old, like the remakes (Final Fantasy IV, Chrono Trigger, more)?

  • DS Daily: Chrono Glory

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Yesterday, we lamented with our European readers over the delay for Chrono Trigger, but today, we want to talk to those of you who are playing it. Is it everything you hoped it would be? More? After all, this was the most-wanted game, chosen by DS Fanboy readers, so we expect to hear tears of joy in the comments. If you're not happy with it, please explain -- at length. Gallery: Chrono Trigger

  • DS Daily: Chrono Torture

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    This one's for our PALs: you've had to wait 13 years for Chrono Trigger. Now it looks like it might finally come out in February. Maybe. Or later. Really, we don't know. But faced with the tantalizing possibility of finally playing the classic RPG, can you wait? Or have you already broken down and just imported the thing, like Chris did? The temptation must be overwhelming, especially since there's basically no downside. The costs would probably come out about even!%Gallery-27682%[wallpaper available at]

  • Rumor: Chrono Trigger gets February release in Europe?

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    Europeans: looks like it could be time to get our importing trousers on. A dark, shadowy figure claiming to be "close" to Square Enix has told Eurogamer that the much-ballyhooed Chrono Trigger DS will reach the continent next February. That ties in neatly with Square Enix's previous estimations of "early 2009."In a moment of madness, this UK-based blogger considered waiting another two months (on account that we don't get the Square tax on this side of the pond), only to realize OH WAIT IT'S FREAKIN' CHRONO TRIGGER. Any other non-North Americans importing a copy?%Gallery-37879%

  • Metareview: Chrono Trigger DS

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Now that Chrono Trigger DS has released, we're dying to know if it's just a quick and dirty port or something that received the TLC it deserved. For the most part, reviews have been positive, as the critics have lauded the game for a variety of reasons. So, let's get to it, shall we? GamesRadar (100/100) "If you've never played Chrono Trigger, you owe it to yourself to finally give this gaming touchstone a whirl. And if you have played it before, you can play it again, for no other reason than to see how new it all still feels. We would normally hesitate to give any rerelease such a high score, but this is the ultimate edition of a true classic." 1UP (100/100): "For fans, the reason to pick up Chrono Trigger is simply because it's available, intact, and enhanced. For newcomers, it's because the game has easily withstood the test of time." Game Informer (95/100): "It's a true classic, and playing it should be a government-mandated rite of passage for any role-playing fan." Nintendo Power (90/100): "Despite my criticisms, Chrono Trigger is an amazing adventure and a required purchase for ardent fans and anyone who's never played the game before." [Holiday 2008, p.82] IGN (88/100): "If you've never played Chrono Trigger before, buy this game. If you're a die-hard fan and want to support one of the greatest games of all time, buy this game. If you're having trouble validating a $40 purchase for what is ultimately the same game, it's the wrong choice for you, and your cash is better spent elsewhere." GameSpot (85/100): "Chrono Trigger is a fantastic synthesis of excellent storytelling, game design, music, and gameplay that has withstood the test of time and should be considered required playing for any fan of role-playing games. Though its extra content is hit or miss and it's essentially a direct port of a game released 13 years ago, the DS version is easily the definitive edition of this masterpiece," %Gallery-27682%

  • Show and Tell: The Chrono crew

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    With the highly-anticipated release of Chrono Trigger, it seemed a good time to take a moment to celebrate all the love the game has seen over time. Well, perhaps not all the love, but some of the crafts, cosplay, and art the game's fans have put together.Take the guided tour right here, or jump into the gallery below if you prefer to be a little more free with the space-time continuum ... or, uh, our Show and Tell presentation.%Gallery-37879% Show and Tell is all about fan stuff, so long as it's Nintendo-related. We love to see your collections, your crafts, your frosted creations, your t-shirts and swag of all sorts.Just snap a few pictures, tell us what's up, and send it all to showmeit [at] dsfanboy [dot] com. We'll take care of the rest. Not a handy type, but found something neat? Send us a link instead.

  • A chance to partly spoil Chrono Trigger for yourself

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    Warning: image links to SPOILER-filled video. Perhaps in an effort to justify the Square tax, or perhaps because having thirteen unique conclusions (and two further variations) just isn't enough, Square Enix added a new ending (and a new boss) to Chrono Trigger DS. The game lands in North American stores today, but footage of the new ending and boss fight is already up on YouTube in English, and embedded after the break (we shall assume "Blackwyn" used the English language option that's in the Japanese game).At this point, we're going to throw you the obligatory SPOILERS warning, because there are SPOILERS -- big ones -- in the video after the break. SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS. Also, you should probably avoid the comments section. You know, because there may be SPOILERS.%Gallery-27682%

  • DS releases for the week of November 24th

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    This week, Japan gets what we desperately want -- another dose of Professor Layton -- but the pain of that is mitigated somewhat by Chrono Trigger and the rest of the North American lineup. Not a bad holiday week all in all! As ever, we're curious what you might be picking up now, and what you're interested in for later. Age of Empire: Mythologies All Star Cheer Squad Chrono Trigger Chrysler Classic Racing Cradle of Rome Emma in the Mountains Imagine: Gymnast Neopets Puzzle Adventure Personal Trainer: Cooking Syberia

  • New games this week: Chrono Trigger edition

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Yeah, we know, it's a totally retro headline that could just as easily have been written a decade or so ago, but Chrono Trigger on the DS really is the most exciting release this week. And you know what that means, right? You did it! You made it through the worst of the torrential releases of Holiday '08! We're so damn proud of you we could burst.What's left to fear? Prince of Persia next week? Heck, you could do a Prince of Persia week in your sleep by this point. No, you did it, you made it through. We like to think you may have even learned a couple of things about yourself along the way.

  • Square Enix speaks out on Chrono Trigger piracy

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    Square Enix has reacted to the rampant piracy of Chrono Trigger DS by declaring itself to be "vigorously against" the illegal distribution of games, and warning that it expects a sharp drop in Chrono Trigger sales as a result. As we reported yesterday, the eagerly anticipated RPG shipped with a whole series of piracy checks, only for hackers to break those within hours of the game being dumped online for download. It's difficult not to feel sorry for Square Enix, and equally hard to see practical solutions.In slightly happier news (well, for the fans, anyway), the (Japan-based) Chrono Trigger fan club is giving away copies of the game's soundtrack (as seen above) to 3,000 customers who actually buy the game -- two of which will be autographed by composer Yasunori Mitsuda. See: it pays not to yarr.Source: Square responds to piracy [via Go Nintendo]Source: Chrono Trigger soundtrack%Gallery-27682%

  • Chrono Trigger piracy checks already beaten

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    After its novel attempts to prevent illegal distribution of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates, Square Enix has packed numerous piracy checks into Chrono Trigger DS. Sadly (and predictably), hackers have already found a fix to the problem, if this huge thread on the GBAtemp forums is to be believed.When the ROM of Chrono Trigger was first dumped online earlier this week, naughty flashcart users discovered that it was impossible to progress past certain points in the title. Never-ending time travel (near the start of the game) and the inability to open the Cathedral doors after recruiting Frog were just two of the problems encountered by pirates.Typically, however, it has taken hackers mere hours to find a workaround for the copyright protection -- further evidence that developers and publishers, regardless of size, face an uphill battle against those who yarr.%Gallery-27682%[Thanks, RupeeClock!]

  • Chrono Trigger's cast travels through console history in new commercial

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    This Japanese commercial for Chrono Trigger DS is incredibly cute and, unlike the game, totally original. It depicts the Chrono Trigger gang hopping out of a Super Famicom and encountering a DS -- which Ayla refers to as "that white thing" before asking if she can eat it. Marle announces that everyone should go in. They probably wouldn't if they knew they were going to have to endure more dungeons, but oh well.After the break, we've posted a second, much more traditional Chrono Trigger commercial that doesn't do quite as much damage to the fourth wall. It's still pretty exciting!

  • Chrono Trigger DS to have a new ending

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    The Square loyal among you will apparently have yet another reason to play through the tiny-sized version of Chrono Trigger on the DS -- besides nostalgia and the chance to hang out with your buddy, Frog. Siliconera reports that the release will include a brand new ending created just for the portable CT.Yes, to answer your question, this is yet another ending for Chrono Trigger, which already had more than enough endings to go around. What do we know about it so far? Only that it will include the image you see above, which is code for, "We don't know anything."

  • Chrono Trigger DS includes new ending

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Most people know all about Chrono Trigger. They've tackled the challenges presented in what many would consider one of the greatest games ever made. So, why should those of you who have bested the game in the past pick up the new DS remake? Apparently, it's going to have a brand new ending!We were already sold on the game when it was announced, being the huge DS and RPG fans that we are, but perhaps this will be enough to get a few of you down from on top of that fence? If not, have you read up on the other new features?%Gallery-27682%[Via Siliconera]

  • Good morning, amazing Chrono Trigger advert!

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    Not for the first time, Square Enix has totally wowed us with an awesome magazine advert for one of its games. We thought it would be difficult to top the minimalist ads for Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift, only for this less-is-more Chrono Trigger promotion to bowl us over. Check out the full version past the break and tell us what you think!%Gallery-27682%

  • TGS08: Chrono Trigger, as good as it ever was

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    This Chrono Trigger trailer from TGS may seem familiar to you. No, not because it's the same ol' Chrono Trigger, but because it's the same ol' trailer. Not precisely the same -- the new trailer is a little longer and differs in parts, but most of it is the same.Listen, we love Chrono Trigger. Which is why we think that maybe Square Enix could use that entire game they have lying around, largely unaltered, and hack out a little more footage for a new trailer.%Gallery-27682%

  • A look at Chrono Trigger's new stuff

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Square Enix has released screenshots of the new content in Chrono Trigger DS, including the two dungeons. Above is a screen of the most bizarre of the additions, the monster arena. In this mode you can control 50 different types of monsters and power them up to battle others. There's not too much that can be gleaned from a picture of two monsters facing off -- for example, whether combat is controlled by the player or determined entirely by the stats of each monster. The dungeons include Dimensional Distortion, which spans across three time periods in one trippy dungeon, and the Dragon Sanctuary, which we hope wasn't a gimmick name. This dungeon takes place in the past and involves taking on quests to help the Reptites.[Thanks, WarChild!]