

  • OtterPilot in action.

    Otter’s AI chatbot pays attention during meetings so you don’t have to

    Lawrence Bonk
    Lawrence Bonk
    06.21.2023 just announced Otter Chat, an AI chatbot specifically designed for work meetings. This “collaborative AI intelligence” acts as a help center for anyone participating in the meeting, transcribing meeting data and winnowing it down into an actual conversation. This allows it to accurately answer questions about the meeting that just transpired, send followup emails and even write related blog posts.

  • Otter AI meeting summary

    Otter's AI now spares you the pain of summarizing meetings

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Otter now uses AI to automatically summarize meetings — you won't have to wonder what you missed.

  • Otter

    Otter's transcription tech now supports Microsoft Teams, Google Meet and Webex

    Saqib Shah
    Saqib Shah

    Otter's AI transcription tool has added support for Microsoft Teams, Google Meet and Cisco Webex.

  • Otter Assistant

    Otter's assistant can transcribe your Zoom Meetings for you

    Igor Bonifacic
    Igor Bonifacic

    Otter Assistant will attend Zoom calls on your behalf and take notes for you.

  • Otter

    Otter launches live transcription for Google Meet

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper
    01.21.2021 offers live transcriptions via its own Chrome extension.

  • Chris Velazco/Axget

    The best (and mostly free) apps to help you keep up in class

    Chris Velazco
    Chris Velazco

    By design, school is supposed to challenge you -- to push at the boundaries of your understanding of the world and make you a more well-rounded person. It's not supposed to be easy as much as it is fulfilling, but thankfully, there are ways to make your educational journey a little less difficult. Luckily for you, a lot has changed since most of the Axget team went to school. To help out, we've gathered a few apps here that should prove especially useful as you gear up for more long days of learning. (Trust us, you'll probably miss them someday.) Oh, and don't worry: Every one of these handy apps is available for iOS and Android, so everyone gets to benefit.

  • Kindle Fire pre-orders heat up, reportedly reach 95,000

    Mat Smith
    Mat Smith

    The Kindle Fire won't be out til November, but it's already giving off some strong pre-order smoke signals. According to digital marketing firm eDataSource, Amazon's first tablet has generated enough buzz to pick up just under 100,000 orders -- an estimate based on a sample of 800,000 e-mail users. Even with these rosy estimates, however, Amazon still has a long way to go before it catches up with Apple, which sold 300,000 iPads on its debut. But we're guessing that the Fire's $199 price tag probably won't hurt its chances.

  • Is a 10-inch Kindle Fire coming? Amazon says 'stay tuned'

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    We already knew to expect a 7-incher today, and that's exactly what we got in the Kindle Fire. We just asked Amazon Kindle vice president (and thinking man) Russ Grandinetti when we might expect a larger successor. With a smile, Russ said "Stay tuned," and left it at that. If you'll recall, RIM's Ryan Biden told us at a past Axget Show that there was "no reason" the 7-inch BlackBerry PlayBook couldn't be shipped in a different size, and given recent rumors that both outfits were working with Quanta, it's not too tough to read betwixt the lines. We also asked about an international release of the Fire, knowing that many of you are lamenting its US-only release in November. We got the same response there. So, it's coming... the only question is when.

  • Amazon Kindle Fire tablet unveiled: Android-based, 7-inch display, $199 price tag

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Okay, so it wasn't much of a surprise, but Amazon finally has a tablet, and as expected its name picks up where the Kindle left off: Fire. Of course, rumors of an Amazon tablet date back to this time last year (if not before), but it seems that Jeff and co. have wisely chosen to get this thing out on the open market before having yet another wild and wacky holiday quarter. Bloomberg has curiously reported on some of the details before the event itself kicks off, noting that the 7-inch device will run a version of Android while acting much like a "souped-up Kindle." The real kicker, however, is the price -- at just $199, it's bound to turn heads, regardless of whether you were interested in a slate before. Naturally, that bargain-bin sticker explains the lack of an embedded camera and microphone, though consumers will find WiFi (no 3G, sadly) and a 30-day trial of Amazon Prime. It's also quite clear that Amazon's hoping to make a bigger splash on the content side of things than has been made already by Apple, and with the deals flowing like wine, we wouldn't be shocked if it does just that. Update: Itching for specs? How's about a 7-inch IPS (!) panel, Gorilla Glass coating, a 1GHz TI OMAP dual-core CPU, 512MB of RAM, 8GB of internal storage and a chassis that weighs 14.6 ounces. There's also access to things you'd expect to have access to: Android Appstore (though no access to Google's Android Market!), Kindle books, magazines, etc. -- all stored for free via Amazon Cloud Storage. Per Jeff: "Delete it and get it back when you want." Oh, and Whispersync now works with movies and TV shows! "When you get home, switch to your big screen TV. Your movie will be right where you left it." While it's clearly Android underneath, the actual UI looks effectively nothing like it -- considering TechCrunch's intel that Amazon went and did its own thing without Google's blessing, we guess that makes some level of sense. Oh, and pre-orders are set to start today (but only for Americans... boo), with shipments heading out on November 15th. Update 2: We've added the first commercial video after the break. Update 3: Check out our hands-on impressions right here! Keep up with the unveiling at our liveblog of the Amazon event. %Gallery-135068% %Gallery-135074%

  • The Colosseum: You Otter know better

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    The Colosseum takes us inside the world of the Gladiator (Brutal, Vengeful, Merciless, and otherwise), to interview some of the top Arena fighters in the battlegroups. Our goal is to bring a better understanding of the strategy, makeup, and work that goes into dueling it out for fame, fortune, and Netherdrakes.So, check out Otterpoop from Gorefiend. At the time of this writing, Otter's the 13th rated team in his battlegroup, even though many folks expected the dominance of Death Knights to be over in Season 6. He obviously did pretty well last season. If you consider that he's trucking through two seasons with strong performance, one could easily argue Otter's got a decent finger on what's going on with the Arena.We were fortunate enough to catch up with Otter, and he spent some time talking to us about how he came to settle on a Death Knight for his Arena character, how he met his Arena partners, and what he thinks will happen with Death Knights in Season 6. Check out what he had to say after the cut.