Xbox studio The Initiative is working on 'Perfect Dark'

It's a reimagining of the series.

The Initiative

It’s official: Xbox Game Studios subsidiary The Initiative is building a new game in the Perfect Dark universe. Its name? Perfect Dark.

Xbox has released a two-minute trailer for the game and a video of developer interviews, but there aren’t a ton of concrete details, and there’s no release window in sight. On Xbox Wire, The Initiative studio head Darrell Gallagher described Perfect Dark as, “a secret agent thriller set in a near-future world.” Gallagher is the former head of Crystal Dynamics, the studio behind 2013’s Tomb Raider reboot.

He continues, “With the full backing from Xbox Studios to re-imagine one of the best loved IPs from gaming history, we couldn’t be more excited to share some of our early ideas.”

And that’s about it, for now.