'Call of Duty: Warzone' players used an app to cheat matchmaking

It was meant to be helpful, but it changed how people played.


Call of Duty: Warzone players on PCs have had to contend with numerous glitches and cheaters, and now it appears that one of the tools meant to fight cheating has created its own problems. Warzone Companion developer Dmitry Shmyko told Eurogamer that he’s changing his app after people abused its anti-cheat features to rig skill-based matchmaking.

The tool was meant to spot cheaters in lobbies by showing unusually skewed kill/death ratios and other suspicious stats. However, players were using it to back out of matches with particularly good players, and even used it to stream snipe (that is, target people streaming the game on Twitch and other services). People were fundamentally changing how they played, and making life miserable for some gamers.

The update now shows kill/death ratios only after the pre-match warm-up, and you’ll only see the average ratio at the end of the match. Some mid-match stats will now show relative values instead of absolutes, too. The changes prevent you from spotting cheaters before the match starts, but you can at least be aware of them when you get started.

This won’t address the cheaters themselves. It does, however, illustrate the challenges of dealing with those cheaters — and that the community can only do so much by itself.