Dax Shepard's 'Armchair Expert' becomes a Spotify exclusive on July 1st

It's another major podcast grab for Spotify.

Michael Friberg

It's no secret that Spotify wants to be a big deal in the podcast world. The streaming music company signed on Joe Rogan's show last year as an exclusive, and it has deals in place with the Obamas, as well as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Now, you can add Dax Shepard and Monica Padman's Armchair Expert to the pile. Starting July 1, Armchair Expert will become a Spotify exclusive. Additionally, Spotify will have a first-look deal for any new properties from the show's parent company, Armchair Umbrella Network.

"Armchair Expert will remain the same show it has always been, but with added opportunities that only Spotify can offer us," co-host and producer Monica Padman said. "We look forward to continuing to bring our human driven content and doorless bathroom to our audience through this exclusive platform."

The exclusive deal doesn't come as a huge surprise. Armchair Expert is one of the most popular podcasts around, and it has featured guests like Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton and Malcom Gladwell (along with plenty of Shepard's celebrity friends). It's one of those shows that also serves as an introduction to the world of podcast, where hosts are generally more laid back and conversations aren't nearly as formal or structured as public radio. Podcasting is still a relatively niche medium, so Spotify needs everything it can to make mainstream listeners give them a shot.