Amazon's new Echo Dot offers better sound at the same price

It's sleeker and 70 percent louder than the previous model.

As rumored, Amazon isn't playing around and it's getting ready to launch a slew of Alexa-powered devices. First up, it's a new Echo Dot, which the company says offers better sound than before and it's still only $50. According to Amazon, this Dot is 70 percent louder compared the previous model, thanks to a 1.6-inch driver that's designed to deliver more powerful sound with lower distortion and "enhanced" bass. It also comes with an upgraded appearance, featuring a fabric coat that makes it look more stylish than the existing plastic hockey puck.

Like the old model, the new Echo Dot can still connect to other speakers, as well as audio apps via Bluetooth. Amazon said the Echo Dot is the "best selling speaker ever," and it has high hopes that these upgrades will keep this (alleged) trend going. It doesn't ship until October, but you can pre-order now if you want to have one as soon as it's out.

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