Google Photos will offer AI-powered suggestions to fix your images

The team has also added PDF conversion of photographed documents and colorization tools.

AI has long been Google Photo's killer feature, making it easy to find and share your images, rate them on aesthetic appeal, and create interesting things like video. Now, Google is bringing a new feature, Suggested Actions, to Photos. The feature will roll out in the next couple of months, said CEO Sundar Pichai at Google I/O Tuesday morning, and will offer up suggestions for smart actions you can take for your photos. Photos will also get some new colorization tools, letting you desaturate backgrounds and colorize older black and white photos.

Pichai showed an example of a set of wedding photos. Using AI to recognize people in those pictures, Google Photos will now suggest sending those photos to that person with a single tap. If your photo is underexposed, you'll get a suggestion to automatically correct the brightness. If you take a photo of a document, he said, Google Photos can now convert it to a PDF, making it easier to use later.

On the colorization front, Google Photos will soon be able to make some fancy edits to your images, like making the background of a photo of your child black and white while it increases the saturation of the child in the foreground. Photos will also be able to colorize your older photos for a colored, vintage look.

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