Echo Look can give you style tips from Amazon's fashionistas

Who better to judge your full-body selfies than a bunch of shopaholics?

If you're tiring of the Echo Look's AI-powered style tips, we have good news. Now, you can submit your full-body selfies to the Amazon Spark hive for feedback from real-life humans. The e-retail giant launched the camera-equipped Echo Look in June as an invite-only purchase, following it up with its Instagram-style social shopping feed, Amazon Spark, in July. Now, rather predictably, it's combining the two, according to CNET.

Here's how it works: You snap selfies in the outfits you're planning on wearing using the Echo Look and instead of just sharing them with Amazon's algorithms (or with friends and family), you can now upload them to Amazon Spark for advice from complete strangers. After all, what could be better for your self-esteem than a bunch of randoms judging and commenting on your clothes and body?

Add a question to complete your post, like "which outfit should I wear tonight?" and let the voting commence. The whole thing is tied to your Amazon username, and you can also enable notifications on the Echo Look app.

It only works on iOS for now, with Amazon explaining that it's a way to "get input on your outfits from others who love fashion as much as you do." Or you could end up siding with the AI over real-life folk and start questioning your humanity. Who cares when your ensemble looks fire, right?