'Beyond Good and Evil' sequel enters pre-production

The cult classic is finally getting its long-expected follow-up.

Beyond Good and Evil 2 finally exists as more than just some well-meaning plans. Creator Michel Ancel has posted an Instagram teaser confirming that the sequel to the classic game has entered pre-production. In other words, his team is finally working on it. The images Ancel has offered in the run-up to the news don't reveal much (you can expect more of the first game's humanoid animals), but it appears that BG&E2 will take on a more realistic look than its cartoon-like predecessor, and will still be set in System 4. One thing's for sure: given that Ancel has long had ambitious plans for a follow-up, it'll be a while before you can sit down and play.

Endangered species - now saved - Game in pre-production - Stay tuned !

A photo posted by Michel Ancel (@michelancel) on Oct 4, 2016 at 2:19pm PDT