EA launches an indie publishing program with 'Fe'

The first official game in the EA Originals program is a stylish 3D platformer without any words.

The EA Originals program expands the company's publishing business with a focus on small, innovative teams, and it's kicking off with a nature-focused game called Fe. It's a stylish, polygonal 3D romp through an enchanted forest that appears to hide dark secrets. There are no words in the game, but the flora and fauna have their own ways of communicating with the player. The title means "fairy" in Swedish, and the entire surreal project comes from Zoink in Gothenburg, Sweden. Zoink previously released the eccentric, neon-infused adventure game Stick it to the Man.

Fe is the first game in EA Originals, a new program wherein EA will fund and support smaller development teams. One hundred percent of the revenue that EA Originals games generate goes directly back to the studios themselves, not EA. EA Studios head Patrick Soderlund introduced EA Originals by talking about Unravel, the adorable yarn-creature game that EA published earlier this year.

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