Amazon Echo offers a choose-your-own-adventure 'Batman' story

Your wireless speaker now has its own interactive radio drama.

Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP

Amazon's Echo speaker can do everything from controlling your home to ordering pizza, but its latest trick is something special... at least, if you're a fan of caped crusaders. As part of a team-up with DC Comics and Warner Bros., Amazon has launched a Choose Your Own Adventure-style interactive Batman story, "The Wayne Investigation." The tale has you telling the Echo where you want to go as you search for clues following the murder of Bruce Wayne's parents. Depending on how well you do, the voice-guided game lasts anywhere between a brief 5 minutes (clearly, not the successful path) to a lengthy 40 minutes -- at that point, it's basically a radio drama for the internet era.

This is ultimately a promo for the upcoming Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, and you'll invariably be presented with a chance to ask about showtimes for the movie. If you can get past the not-so-subtle plug, though, it's proof that the Echo's voice commands can be useful for much more than simple requests. Hopefully, it leads to more games and other experiences that don't stop after a single response.