Live from Apple's 'spring forward' keynote!

When Apple announces it's going to hold a "spring forward" event the day after daylight saving time begins, that can only mean one thing: We're going to hear more about the famous Apple Watch before it goes on sale next month. Actually it means something else too. A few sleep-deprived Axget editors have made the trek to San Francisco to cover the keynote live, because you know a lost hour of sleep ain't gonna stop us. And by all accounts, it should be a pretty newsy day indeed. I mean, just think of all the things we don't know about the Apple Watch: its battery life, fitness features, what day it's going on sale and how much that fancy gold edition is going to cost. We're here for answers, folks, and we suspect we'll know a lot more by the time Tim Cook leaves the stage today. For now, just settle in and leave the hard work to us: bringing you all the news as it's breaking.

March 9, 2015 1:00:00 PM EDT