Beyond Good & Evil creator working on an 'extremely ambitious' sequel

Lest you were afraid that Beyond Good & Evil creator Michel Ancel forming a new studio would mean the death of all hope of ever seeing Beyond Good & Evil 2, fear no more: Ubisoft has confirmed to IGN that Ancel is heading development of a sequel to 2003's critically-loved-but-commercially-underwhelming game about a photojournalist with a bo staff and her anthropomorphic pig uncle.

"It's still far too early to give many details about this new title, but what we can say is that while Michel and the team at Ubisoft Montpellier are working with the core tenets of BG&E, they're developing something that aspires to push past the boundaries of a proverbial sequel and leverages next-gen technologies to deliver a truly surprising, innovative and exceptional game," Ubisoft told IGN. "The entire team is excited about the direction this extremely ambitious project is taking, and we'll have more to share later, as it progresses."

A sequel to Beyond Good & Evil has been on the minds of fans for a long time. A long time. Like, "the first teaser was revealed in 2008" long. More recently, Ancel shared concept art of heroine Jade wearing a sleek, samurai-influenced outfit that looks pretty darn close to what we saw in leaked game footage. Still, things have been relatively quiet, and six years is a long time to wait; we don't blame you if your heart has been hardened and you no longer believe.

Still, Ancel said in 2011 that the scope of BG&E2 would require next-generation consoles and well ... we've got those now. Maybe cross your fingers one last time? Hey, it worked for Mirror's Edge.

[Image: Ubisoft]