Teenage Engineering OP-1 synthesizer now available for pre-order, we tour its shiny new features (video)

In an era of synth-toy overload, the OP-1 is definitely doing its thing to set itself apart from the pack. It wouldn't have surprised us if it never came out, simply vanishing into the ether like most too-good-to-be-true hardware tends to do. But the fine Swedes of Teenage Engineering are in Anaheim for NAMM with a production model on the floor, and now it's really, truly up for pre-order (please allow 8 weeks for manufacturing and processing) for $799 at their site. There are boatloads of updates from the OP-1's we've seen in the past: the little white slab with the colorful LCD now sports a raft of different sequencing modes, new stunningly visualized effects (like the boxer up above for punch...get it?), an accelerometer, and an FM radio, of all things. Video tour of all the shiny new features after the break.