Scribd expands its subscription catalog with over 1,000 magazines

The $9.99 monthly fee remains the same.


Scribd has been pioneering its “all you can read” publication subscription service for some years now. Back in 2016 it added New York and Time magazine to its line-up, followed by a host of major newspaper titles in 2017. Now it’s expanding its magazine catalog to include more than 1,000 titles from around the world.

From today, subscribers will be able to read the likes of Harper’s Magazine, The Knot, Wine Enthusiast, OUT and more as part of their monthly $9.99 fee — with further titles to be added in the future. It’s not always been smooth sailing for Scribd, but this expansion does demonstrate it’s serious about being a genuinely unlimited service, and certainly goes some way to alleviating the subscription fatigue that often plagues fans of quality content.