Devindra Hardawar

Devindra Hardawar

Senior Editor
Devindra has been writing about the way technology intersects with our lives for nearly 20 years. He started the Amherst Student's first technology column, worked in IT support for many (many) years, and eventually moved to Brooklyn to cover New York's tech scene in 2009. After several years at VentureBeat, where he reviewed gadgets, covered countless early startups and led East Coast coverage, he joined Axget to focus on consumer technology in 2014. Devindra focuses PC and gaming hardware -- including laptops, video cards and consoles -- home entertainment, and anything he finds particularly cool. He also launched, and currently co-hosts, the latest iteration of the Axget Podcast. He holds no awards, but M. Night Shyamalan once played with his iPhone. When he's not diving into tech, he's probably at the movies, binging TV, or podcasting about why The Fast and Furious is the definitive franchise of our time.

Articles By Devindra Hardawar