'Circle of Saviors' made me equal parts hero and dweeb

It was fun. I regret nothing.

Circle of Saviors is more fun than it should be. The cooperative hack-and-slash VR game glues you to a single spot, and you wield a shield and sword using HTC Vive controllers. Your buddy is armed with a crossbow (which is actually a Vive controller and a tablet screen). Meanwhile, you're immersed in the battlefield, as a green-screen room digitally maps everything to a TV for spectators to watch. Sure, I've seen this done before, but swords and goblins are way better than teleporting and shooting.

You can see how I fared in the video above. I was no savior, but at least there was a crowd there to watch me fail. The game is already running in Tokyo arcade arenas, and it appears the company is looking to set up Circle of Saviors in places beyond Japan -- it explains why the team made the trip to LA. The challenge will be finding entertainment centers with both the space and willingness to set up dedicated green-screen areas for one hilarious, but relatively simple, title.

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