A new 'Kirby' game is coming to Nintendo Switch in 2018

Kirby's back.

Nintendo wasn't going to let E3 pass without making some announcements of its own and today the company is doing just that. One of those revelations is that everyone's favorite wobbling round hero is coming to Nintendo Switch in a new game. That's right, Kirby will arrive on the console next year.

Sure, we'll have to wait a while to actually play it, but the parts Nintendo showed off during its E3 livestream look very good. And yes, it will include all of the sword wielding and fire breathing your heart desires. Nintendo didn't offer a ton of info in the trailer, focusing instead on the gameplay. From that brief look at the action, you can expect to play along with up to three other people while you hop, flip and rumble. For now, have a look at the trailer for the new Kirby game down below.

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