Curtain Call DLC channels Chrono Trigger, SaGa, FF14, Secret of Mana

Just last month, Square Enix released what it stated was the last planned DLC for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call. The developer's plans thankfully seem to have changed however, as a report from Dengeki Online (as translated by Siliconera) notes extra, impending DLC tracks featuring tunes from Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy 14 and the SaGa series.

A bulletpoint outline is available after the break for this batch of tracks, which will arrive on Japan's 3DS eShop on December 24 for 150 yen apiece (though "Ultima" and "Hard to Miss" will be free for the first two weeks). Square Enix hasn't shared plans to bring the DLC encore stateside, but hopefully it will succumb to the gift-giving spirit and spread the love.

  • Ultima (BMS) - Final Fantasy 14

  • Hard to Miss (BMS) - Final Fantasy 14

  • Zero (BMS) - Final Fantasy Type-0

  • Opening Titles (FMS) - Romancing SaGa 2

  • Passionate Rhythm (FMS) - Romancing Saga -Minstrel Song-

  • Battle #4 (BMS) - SaGa Frontier

  • Meridian Dance (BMS) - Secret of Mana

  • Chrono Tirgger (BMS) - Chrono Trigger

[Image: Square Enix]