Video of Jony Ive's full interview with Vanity Fair now available online

The full video of Jony Ive's recent 25-minute interview at Vanity Fair's New establishment Summit in San Francisco is now available online. The full video touches on a wide range of topics, providing a rare glimpse into the mind of Apple's famed design guru. Ive, who has been with Apple since 1992, doesn't often sit down for extensive interviews, let alone lengthy, casual, and open-ended video interviews on stage.

While we previously highlighted a few of the topics Ive commented on, such as the brainstorming process of Apple's industrial design team and what it was like to work for Steve Jobs, the full interview below covers many more topics. Save for Apple produced product videos set in front of a white screen, Ive doesn't often appear on video, which makes the interview below well worth a watch.