Waiting on those 6 Plus Cases

iPhone 6 Plus Case

As TUAW editor-in-chief Victor Agreda, Jr. put it, my new iPhone 6 Plus is a dropportunity waiting to happen. I've put in an order for a new case to protect my baby (review to follow when it finally shows up.) Until then, I've had to make do, creating the abomination of style shown in the above photo. It's basically a padded mailing envelope, Velcro, bandage tape, and a hole I can stick my finger through for Touch ID. It's nothing to look at, but my post-apocalyptic iPhone survived a rather intense day of biking at Denver's Cherry Creek State Park without incident.

It's a bit surprising how few 5.5-inch cases were ready for sale at launch. As fellow 6 Plus owner Steve Sande put it, "This leads me to believe that they either didn't think it was really going to happen or didn't think they were going to sell very well. Wrong on both counts. Now they're all behind the 8-ball on getting these things cranked out in quantity."

So what have you done about your personal 6 Plus? Do you have a case already? Or have you ordered one? What cases do you love (or think you'll love) and which ones are must-avoids? Drop a note in the comments and share your thoughts and buying tips.