Marc Newson joins Apple as part of Jony Ive's design team

Jony And Marc's (RED) Auction - Red Carpet

Vanity Fair is reporting that designer Marc Newson has been hired to join senior vice president of design Jony Ive's design team. Newson has had his work featured by the Museum of Modern Art, and done design for companies like Ford and Nike. Ive provided the following statement to Vanity Fair announcing the hiring.

Marc is without question one of the most influential designers of this generation. He is extraordinarily talented. We are particularly excited to formalize our collaboration as we enjoy working together so much and have found our partnership so effective.

Newson and Ive have previously worked together on 2013's (RED) auction event, which raised $26.2 million for the charity. You can read a statement from Newson over at Vanity Fair.