Blockbuster to make a re-licensed return to the UK

2013 saw Blockbuster UK fail to find a buyer after it went bankrupt, so the once prominent DVD and video game rental chain closed its doors in December. However, 2014 is set to see Blockbuster make an unlikely return to the UK, albeit in humbler circumstances.

Dish currently owns the Blockbuster brand, and the company quietly licensed it out to Crash Entertainment Group UK at the end of January 2014. Crash is better known for Internet radio stations like Jack FM, but by late 2014 it plans to open 10 stores in the UK, and rebrand the five stores it operates in the Isle of Man. It'll also bring Blockbuster On Demand to Tivo in the country, and start a mail DVD distribution service.

So, where do games feature in all this? There's no mention in Crash's initial plans, but back in December the company said should it acquire the Blockbuster license, "games, music, movies, electronics and of [course] rental will be a big part of the business."

[Image: Dish]