Activision Publishing layoffs at Minneapolis office

Activision Publishing has had a round of layoffs at its Minneapolis location, in preparation for a smaller slate of licensed games next year. Joystiq has been told that 30 full-time employees were let go. These cuts were made at the publishing level and no studio personnel were affected.

"Like any successful business, Activision Publishing consistently works to align its costs with its revenues – this is an ongoing process. In 2013, we expect that our Minneapolis division will release fewer games based on third-party licenses than we released during 2012," an Activision spokesperson informed Joystiq in a prepared statement.

"As a result, we are realigning the structure of our Activision Minneapolis division to better reflect our slate and the market opportunities. We are working to redirect those employees that are impacted to other parts of the company where possible, as well as offering them outplacement counseling services."

Activision's Minneapolis branch mostly handled licensed titles, like the Cabela series and Bond. Activision's 2012 slate was fairly licensed game heavy, but the company is stepping back from that in 2013.