12 Days of Joyswag: uDraw tablet, games, Sony digital photo frame, and Meon

Another year, another 12 days of holiday giveaways! Between now and Christmas Day, we're doing the one thing that makes us feel truly alive: giving. Specifically, we're giving you fine folks some of the swag we've managed to collect in our cluttered home offices. And the good will and merriment doesn't stop here! Don't forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for even more chances to win!

While uDraw may not have fared so well on Xbox 360 and PS3, we imagine you won't say no to a free game tablet and two games, uDraw Pictionary (Ultimate Edition!) and uDraw Marvel Super Hero Squad: Comic Combat.

Still not interested? Let's sweeten the pot with a Sony digital photo frame, which THQ sent to promote the uDraw tablet. Still not convinced? We're not sure what a Meon Interactive Animation Studio is, but we've got one of those in the office as well and it's not doing us any good. Win the entire pile simply by leaving a comment. Rules after the break!

To enter this giveaway:

  1. Leave a comment telling us what you're likely to draw first (be honest!).

  2. You must be 18 years or older and a resident of the U.S. or Canada (excluding Quebec).

  3. Limit 1 entry per person per day.

  4. This entry period ends at 11:50PM ET on Wednesday, December 21.

  5. At that time, we'll randomly select one winner to receive uDraw Game tablet ($70), uDraw Pictionary: Ultimate Edition ($40), uDraw Marvel Super Hero Squad: Comic Combat ($40), Sony DPF-D710 7-Inch WVGA LCD Digital Photo Frame ($70), Meon Interactive Animation Studio ($30) – Total ARV $250.

  6. For a list of complete rules, click here.

What is Joyswag? Since we don't keep the games and merchandise we receive for review or promotional purposes, it becomes "Joyswag," which is passed along to our readers. Please note that Joyswag may be in "used" condition.

For more info on our policy, click here.